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Why is computer learning necessary
Why is computer learning necessary, To make a living, learning computer is a must these days. There is nothing new to say about this. It is not only computer related work that requires computer use. Even in non-computer-dependent jobs, computer knowledge is considered an additional qualification. If an employee doesn’t know how to operate a keyboard, checking or responding to a simple e-mail can become a chore. The use of computers increases the productivity of an employee many times. Actually computer education is a platform, whatever train you want to take to build your life, you have to reach this platform.
When where;
Awareness about computer education has increased a lot in the last decade and a half. So for the new boy or girl who is coming to learn computer, the task of choosing the course has become much easier than before. Courses that are most in demand include basic computing, graphic designing, animation, programming and web development. Know the time to start computer education.
The leave period after secondary or higher secondary examination. But the biggest question is where to learn? Computer education institutes are now in the neighborhood, and the number of “famous and expensive” institutes is not too small. So is their advertising power. As a result confused students and their parents. Indus Institute of Information Management or Triple IM has come up with a solution to this confusion.
This institute is the Resource Center for Spoken Tutorial Course of IIT Bombay. The Department of Human Resource Development, Government of India, provides financial support for this course under the National Education Mission through their Information and Communication Technology. Triple IM is leading the way in the state by running such courses jointly with premier institutes like IIT Bombay. Triple IM adds spoken tutorial courses to their state-of-the-art software training courses in a tie-up with IIT Bombay. Students get the IIT Bombay certificate sitting in Kolkata by taking the online exam, which gives them a lot of edge in the job market.
Thank you so much.
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